United States

Oppose the America COMPETES Act Card Check Provision

Late on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) offered a manager’s amendment for HR 4521, the America COMPETES Act that contains Card Check and mandatory arbitration of collective bargaining agreements. The card check provision would...

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Urge Congress to Stop Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate

On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) and Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA-12) introduced companion bills, S.J.Res.29 and H.J.Res.65, a joint resolution utilizing the Congressional Review Act to nullify the Occupational Safety and Health...

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Reject PRO Act Provisions in Budget Reconciliation

On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, the House Education and Labor Committee released its portion of the reconciliation bill. It includes numerous provisions on the National Labor Relations Board and National Labor Relations Act. The encompassed provisions from the...

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Oppose the Small Business Tax Fairness Act

Senator Wyden’s Small Business Tax Fairness Act is anything but fair to small businesses as it will impose a tax hike by limiting the Small Business Deductions. This tax hike would hurt small businesses' ability to reinvest money back into new jobs, higher wages, and...

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Protect Stepped-Up Basis

President Biden’s American Families Plan calls for the elimination of the stepped-up basis tax provision to raise revenue for government spending. This would be devastating for many members of the cold chain industry. What is Stepped-Up Basis? A capital gain is a...

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Oppose the American Jobs Plan’s Tax Hikes

On March 31, 2021, President Biden unveiled the American Jobs Plan that contains a $2.25 trillion U.S. infrastructure plan paid for by tax hikes on your businesses. While we support investments in infrastructure, raising taxes on the nation’s essential businesses in...

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Pro Act

Congress is set to vote on the Pro Act and your voice must be heard in order to stop this harmful legislation. Complete the form to the right to tell Congress that you oppose the PRO Act with just a few clicks! What is the PRO Act? The PRO Act would...

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